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Monday, November 4, 2013

Eat Stop Eat Diet - Your Key to Weight Loss

Obesity and the threat it can pose to your life has lead to a lot of people take weight loss seriously. This has lead to introduction of new diet plans and weight loss programs every other day. But not all, or better to say most don't actually work. The Eat Stop Eat Diet is one amongst the few of those diet plans that are capable of helping you loose weight.

The very scientific approach of this fat loss program makes it such a huge success. We all know that weight gain or loss is all about the amount of calorie we consume and burn. This fat loss diet focuses on the calorie consumption. It asks you to follow an intermittent fasting so that a basic calorie deficit is created. It doesn't ask you to do a prolonged fasting. Just a day of fasting once a week. On other days you are free to follow a normal balanced healthy diet.

When you are not fasting you must follow a regular exercise routine so that you can see an effective weight loss. Prolonged fasting has a number of side effects. Though it might lead to weight loss, the weight loss is generally loss of muscle mass and not fat. And since fasting forever is not possible this is a temporary solution. But with Eat Stop Eat Diet you achieve a successful fat loss and the results are permanent of course.

The Eat Stop Eat Diet is a realistic plan. It doesn't undermine the importance of regular exercise. It tells that exercise is as important as a proper diet. The results you see with this diet are fast and you don't feel deprived and dejected as is the case with most of the diet plans. This diet plan lets you smile your way to weight loss.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Prescription Weight Loss from a Doctor - Do You Need One?

For some, natural weight loss methods that use the simple healthy-eating-and-regular-exercise combination is enough to achieve their weight loss goals. For others, it gets harder so over-the-counter weight loss supplements are used in order to aid their weight loss efforts. In extreme cases however, where the simple healthy-eating-and-regular-exercise combination or over-the-counter weight loss supplements fail to work, prescription weight loss from a doctor are used.

Prescription weight loss

Prescription weight loss products from doctors are FDA-approved, meaning they are safe to use. They however are far for simple. Compared to their over-the-counter counterparts, prescription weight loss dr. have higher concentrations and can either be made from all-natural or synthetic ingredients, or a combination of both. Normally given to extremely obese patients, they however can also be used by non-obese patients provided that a doctor has cleared them for use. They, unlike their over-the-counter counterparts, are also usually used in conjunction with medication for treating other health conditions associated or caused by excess weight. Use of Prescription weight loss products from doctors must always follow instructions given by a doctor to ensure maximum efficacy.

Back to basics

While prescription weight loss dr. are used where the simple healthy-eating-and-regular-exercise combination has failed, combining the two methods might prove to be beneficial. While having no effect on general weight loss, the healthy-eating-and-regular-exercise combination can be used in creating an overall healthier body for you. A healthy body comes with efficient bodily processes, and efficient bodily process can help in creating a most suitable environment for the prescription weight loss drugs to work in. Apart from healthy eating, regular exercise, and weight loss supplements, the right mindset can also come in handy in achieving weight loss goals.

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips That Work

1. Exercise

This should obviously be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of how to lose weight. Exercise has been proven effective since the days of cavemen. Anytime you challenge your body in a workout you are going to get results that you like. The thing is you have to stick to it even though it may seem hard at first. Remember the saying "no pain, no gain", it stands for something and it will help you succeed in your weight loss goals.

2. Supplements

Some people have problems losing weight and need to get help from supplements that are available on the market. These supplements are perfectly healthy and are actually made from plants that grow on the earth. No harsh chemicals and the side effects are nil to none compared to over the counter prescription pills. These weight loss supplements work WITH your body to help you lose weight and keep it off. The supplements are able to bind to fat and keep it out of your system. They also help reduce your appetite so you are not craving for food and binge eating. Give them a try if you are looking for some added help in weight loss.

3. Keep a Food Journal

You would be surprised how much you eat in a day if you wrote down everything. Sure you had a snack at 10 am but then you ate lunch in the afternoon. After you ate lunch you grabbed a snack from the vending machine, or maybe at lunch your co-worker couldn't finish their sandwich and you ate it. All these little things add up and will keep you from achieving your goal of losing weight. Keep a food journal and track what you eat. See what you eat and at what times so you can try and kick the habit of eating in between meals.

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